Quick Links
School Bell Times
8:55am – School starts
9:15am – Period 1 starts
10:00am – Period 2 starts
10:45 to 11:05am – Morning Tea
11:05am – Period 3 starts
11:50am – Period 4 starts
12:40 to 1:25pm – Lunch
1:25pm – Period 5 starts
2:05pm – Period 6 starts
2:55pm – End of School day
Useful Information
Office Hours
8:30am – 3:30pm
09 425 6878 (you can leave a message)
Office Email
School Bank Account Number (Donations)
NZCPT Bank Account Number (School Fees)
Absent from School
Can you please make it a priority to contact the school before 9:00am if your child is going to be absent from school. Apart from this being a legal requirement, we also want to ensure the safety of your child; if they haven’t turned up for school we need to know where they are. You can leave a message on the answerphone 09 425 6878, email admin@horizon.school.nz or use our absentee form on our website to notify us.
Late to School
Please ensure your child(ren) arrives at school no earlier than 8:30am but no later than 8:50am to ensure that they are ready for school when the bell rings. If your child is late, they must report to the office before going to class.
Please inform the office if your child has a doctor’s or dentist appointment and the estimated time your child will be arriving at school so that we can mark the attendance register.
Collecting your child early from school
Please ensure you report to the office and sign your child(ren) out in the Student Sign In/Out book if you are collecting your child during school times. If you would like another member of your family or a friend who is not known by the school to collect your child can you please inform the office of their name and the time they will be collecting your child.
Travelling Home by Bus
Please notify the office if your child will be taking the bus and complete the Bus Code of Conduct Form, Registration Form, and Private Conveyancing (Allowance) Application Form. Click on the button below for more information. Please contact GoBus directly for transfer bus information 09 275 8811 Ext 682 or visit mahurangi.easybus.nz.
Lost Property
For any lost property, check with your class or area first. If items have not been collected for a long period of time, they may be stored at the office for a period.
For any property lost on the bus, please contact GoBus directly on 09 275 8811 Ext 682.
Please ensure that your child(ren) have the correct uniform and that they are clean – representing the school and their families well. No ‘other’ sweatshirts, socks and shoes are appropriate. A note from parents/caregivers to the class teacher is required when the correct uniform cannot be worn. Please find details regarding uniforms below.
General Communication
‘What’s On The Horizon’ Newsletter is issued twice a term. This will be made available via Skool Loop and on our website. Weekly notices are published every Friday afternoon on Skool Loop.
The rest of our communication will be through email and text, and through our Facebook Page.
Teacher Communication
Please note that teacher email addresses start with their first name – eg. name@horizon.school.nz.
Staff phone numbers are for personal use and calls and texts are not to be made unless in response to a request by the teacher. This protects our teacher’s free time.
Contacting your child while at school
If you need to get a message to your child, please contact the office before 2pm to ensure enough time for us to deliver the message.
For any bus changes, you will need to give the school 24 hours notice.
Concerns or Complaints Process
If you have concerns or would like to know how to proceed with a complaint, please use the button below to see the process.
Skool Loop
For instructions on how to access Skool Loop please visit https://skoolloop.com/en-nz/parents/
Skool Loop is supported on all Android and Apple mobile devices.
School Docs
Our Policies and Procedures are viewable online at https://horizon.schooldocs.co.nz
Parents/caregivers – if you would to be involved in reviewing our policies and procedures, please follow the instructions below:
Visit the website http://horizon.schooldocs.co.nz
Enter the username is horizon and password is snellsbeach.
Follow the link to the relevant policy as listed.
Read the policy.
Click the Policy Review button at the top right-hand corner of the page.
Select the reviewer type "Parent".
Enter your name (optional).
Submit your ratings and comments.
School Costs
At Horizon, we do our very best to keep costs down, while providing an excellent education for your child. This is a constant balancing act for us, and there is never enough money to do all the things we want to do!
Horizon is a state integrated school of whom NZ Christian Proprietors Trust (NZCPT) are the Proprietor. Attendance Dues are a compulsory payment approved by the Minister of Education under the terms of the Education and Training Act 2020 and are a condition of enrolment. NZCPT are responsible for billing each quarter in January, April, July and October and collecting the attendance by direct debit. NZCPT then distribute these funds to KingsWay Trust in rental payments for the use of maintaining the school land and buildings.
Attendance Dues (payable to NZCPT)
Years 1-6 (Primary)
$331.50 incl. GST per child per term
Years 7-13 (College)
$416.00 incl. GST per child per term
One terms payment in advance is required upon acceptance of enrolment. Please use your child's name and intended start date as a reference.
NZCPT Bank Account Number:
Parents/Caregivers sign an agreement with NZCPT accepting to pay the student(s) attendance dues by direct debit. The person who signs the agreement remain legally liable for payment of the attendance. The direct debit facility provides the flexibility to pay over the calendar year either annually, quarterly, monthly, fortnightly or weekly. Failure to pay the Attendance Dues may put the student's place at the school at risk. Overdue accounts may be referred to a debt collection agency and incur all the associated costs.
Should the financial circumstance of an enrolled family suddenly change due to illness or redundancy, KingsWay Trust may be in the position to offer some assistance by way of a subsidy. Applications are available through NZCPT by emailing selena@nzcpt.nz. The family fills in their information then arranges a meeting with the school principal to complete the form criteria for submission to NZCPT.
Where Parents/Caregivers intend to withdraw a student from Horizon School, a full Term’s notice in writing is to be sent to the Principal (principal@horizon.school.nz) and NZCPT (selena@nzcpt.nz). This notice needs to include the last day of attendance, the main reason for withdrawal and the next school of attendance – for example, a Year 12 student leaving to pursue a tertiary course or work placement, or moving to another town or country. NZCPT will make the necessary adjustments to fees and payment plans to finalise the account. Where no notice has been given, a one-week attendance dues payment in lieu of notice will apply to each student withdrawing from the school.
Note: Please do not pay Attendance Dues into the school bank account.
School Donations (payable directly to Horizon school)
Horizon School asks you to invest in your child’s future through making a valuable contribution by way of your Parent Donation to the School. Much of the equipment and resources we provide here at Horizon are not covered by government funding. We rely heavily on the generosity of our parent community to provide the exceptional level of education and allow us to increase the range of experiences provided at Horizon School. The Parent Donation is classed as a voluntary donation and is tax deductible.
School Donations
$300.00 per child per year
The School Donation is used by Horizon School to contribute towards the many expenses involved in offering education to our students and supplement the school’s budget, contributing to support our learners through:
School activities such as class trips, and educational resources (60%)
Reduction of teacher/student ratios; special character/wellness coach (40%)
Although we acknowledge that it is a voluntary payment requested from all state and state-integrated schools in New Zealand, it is a very important part of our budget. Our class programmes rely heavily on real life learning activities and their success is dependent on our parents supporting these financially whenever possible. We have minimal expectations of parents for fundraising activities.
Your donations are eligible for a 33.33% tax rebate / credit. You can learn more from the IRD. If your school donation is paid before 31 March, a claim for a rebate / credit can be made anytime after 1 April of that same year.
School Donation Payment Options
Online Banking School Bank Account Number
Include the ‘students name’ and word ‘donation’.
EFTPOS Payments
Available at the Horizon School office.
Thank you for your support!
You can view your financial information at any time via the Kamar Parent Portal. Should you have any questions about this account please contact the school office.
Stationery, Uniform and Camp Costs
Please note that stationery, uniform and camp costs are not considered donations and are classified as a parent cost.
Invoices for school costs can be accessed through the Kamar Parent Portal. Statements are issued three times per term. Payment for activity fees needs to be paid each term prior to the activity. Individualised computer program costs and optional voluntary payments for School Donation are shown as the per term amount. Prompt payment is appreciated. We recommend that parents set up a payment plan at the beginning of the year, where you can pay off small amounts on a weekly, fortnightly, or monthly basis in order to avoid paying lump sums at the end of each term or end of the year. Please discuss this with the office administrator.
School Bank Account Number
Available through MySchool OfficeMax
Please see the uniform requirements and guidelines