Horizon College

Where learners are seen and heard


Young people enjoy a sense of belonging, from which confidence develops. This foundation enables them to enjoy using their new skills and concepts in real life contexts and to manage themselves and their learning.


Our Junior College curriculum serves the student rather than the other way around. We focus on bringing the curriculum to the student in a way that engages with their world, helps them to make sense of it, and broadens their perspectives. Our learners know that “the stories we tell ourselves shape our future”, and they are supported by caring teachers to intentionally shape their futures, to take initiative, to set and achieve personal goals, and to solve real life problems.

Our Learning Environment

Teachers work collaboratively to provide connected investigations that effectively meet the learning needs of Years 7-13 learners.

Horizon College is fortunate in being able to remain small with a friendly, family atmosphere which comes from teachers and students knowing each other well. Every student at Horizon is nurtured and their skills and talents fostered. Students have every opportunity to contribute through participation, service and leadership.

Specialist teachers work alongside formation teachers to provide rich learning experiences with real life outcomes. All of this takes place in a fun and open space that allows for students to work inside, outside, through workshops and independent or group work.

Horizon College has:

  • a science lab
  • 2 auditoriums
  • basketball and netball courts
  • a football field
  • a rugby field – new for 2024
  • libraries
  • bespoke spaces for delivering art, technology and music curriculum
  • automative workshop
  • an outdoor classroom
  • 13 hectares of farmland, ponds and wetlands
  • a cafe

Growing Young Contributors

Authentic and relevant experiences meet the needs of each individual learner as they face challenges and take increasing responsibility.

At Horizon, we seek to create an environment in which children and young people want to connect with God, self and others in meaningful ways as a normal part of life. Inspired by the life of Jesus and rooted strongly in our Christian heritage, our special character is our main point of difference.

Horizon is small and well-resourced so we can help learners thrive:

  • Being responsive to each learner.
  • Being responsive to the needs of young people by providing a sense of belonging, choice, and challenge.
  • Giving learners an opportunity to have a say in what they learn and how they learn.
  • Being committed to providing a breadth of experiences.
  • Employing teachers who are committed to our personalised learning approaches.
  • Being intentionally connected with real life opportunities in the community.

“Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it.”
– Proverbs 22:6

Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire.
— William Butler Yeats

Connected Learning

Teaching and learning at Horizon College is not primarily taught in strictly isolated subjects that stop and start, but often in connected investigations of core compulsory learning areas (Science, Social Sciences, English, Technologies and the Arts). This helps learners to see the links between learning areas and to see the relevance and value of their learning.

Teachers equip learners with subject-specific knowledge and skills to a high standard within these connected investigations ensuring that NZ Curriculum requirements are met and that they are prepared for future learning, while developing into confident and competent young people.

Teachers have strong relationships with our learners, respecting their thoughts and ideas, encouraging their development, and stretching them towards improvement and success.


Purposeful Learning

A learner at Horizon is on a lifelong learning journey, and not just learning to pass tests. We know that learning, applied to real world and open-ended situations, is most easily recalled, and most valuable to life.

Learning at Horizon has value beyond the curriculum or classroom. We foster higher order thinking and problem-based learning that contributes to our community. In recent years our college learners were part of a council playground design and rebuild which included research and making submissions to the council, and involved English, Maths, Art, Social Studies. They have also worked with scientists from Auckland University to make hydrophones, gather data about marine sounds and present information of value to the science community (Physics, Biology, Technology, English, Mathematics).


Enriched Learning

We are well connected with experts in our local community who often inspire our learners through guest lectures, interviews, discussions and projects.

Our enriched programme provides all students in Years 7 - 13 the opportunity to follow options. These are delivered in two slots per week. Each term students select from a range of options, delivered by both our highly qualified teachers and experts from our local community.

Options will include, but are not limited to:

  • EVolocity
  • Automotive
  • Child care at Kingsway Pre-schools
  • Entrepreneurship (Young Enterprise)
  • Textiles
  • Drama
  • Film Studies

Sports Options

  • Netball, Hockey, Touch Rugby, Basketball, Football, Cross Country and Equestrian
  • After School Sports Clinics

In addition to in-class learning, we offer the following optional learning extras during Years 7-13:

  • Musical Instrument Tuition
  • Librarian Training
  • Barista/hospitality tuition and opportunities
  • Leadership
  • Eco-Team (tree planting etc.)
  • Kapa haka
  • After School Theatre Classes
  • First Aid courses
  • Clubs (Inklings for authors, Mincraft education, football, chess, library)
  • EVolocity AquaBots

“Therefore encourage one another and build one another up, just as you are doing.”
Thessalonians 5:11


 Our people are our greatest asset

Horizon teachers and staff are selected for their love for children and young people, love for teaching and for learning and commitment to creating an environment in which our learners might want to learn and to connect with God in some way.